so long, farewell, goodnight…

This post should have appeared a long, long time ago.  It’s been ages since I’ve been able to do justice to my blog.  Instead, I’ve held out hope that one day I’d have the passion for it that I once had.  It’s not happening folks.  I say farewell to my blog and hello to other pursuits.   Here are my three reasons.

1.  It’s no longer unique.  It’s all been done folks.  Everyone has a blog.  When I started back in 2004 I had to explain to people, “you know, it stands for web log.” 

2.  What I really want to write about is my authentic thoughts.  Yet, I need to keep those writings private at this time.  Being a teacher in a small town means that you need a little more reservation.  I could dazzle you with all my inner workings, but then everyone would know “all my business”.  This is probably my most important and “real” reason.  A blog without a healthy dose of realness is just a skeleton, which is what my blog has been lately.

3.  I’ve been forced to prioritize.  Having children means you need to pair your personal life down to the most basic and important.  Date nights with Paul, personal Bible study, chats on the phone with close friends – these all rank higher than blogging.


I am taking an extended blog vacation.  Not sure how long, let’s just leave it open ended!!!  I’m too busy and some things just have to go.  I’ll still be on facebook.

Keeping up with the Robinson’s…

*pic taken by budding photographer (Eli), don’t you love how he captures how tired I am at the end of the day.

Elias proclaimed that it was a “hot summer day” today.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  It’s been in the single digits here at night.  Our wood stove keeps us warm all the time.  Wet hair freezes instantly on my way to the car in the morning.  It’s quite cozy, but we haven’t made any trips to the duck pond recently.

We are in the midst of buying a house.  We should get the keys to the house next week.  Paul can barely contain his excitement and has many plans and lists.  He is currently working on the problem of certain rodents that live under said house (raccoons, or ‘coons as we’ve learned to refer to them over the past few days).  We’ve located a trapper man that will climb under the house and (ahem) “take them to a happier place”.

I am delighted about the house but  my Christmas plans have been foiled.  I will be sending out Valentines cards instead of Christmas cards.  We have no tree.  I have had to make myself do less for Christmas and it’s a little bit freeing.  We will enjoy our friends and family who are flying in over the next week. 

It has been fun daydreaming about a house that we will raise our kids in.  Curiously, the entire house has been painted beige (inside and out) excluding one wall in the master bedroom which is painted dark red.  So painting will be on my list of priorities, but we’ll take it one room at a time. 

That’s my update and I’m stickin’ to it.

Keeping up with the Robinson’s …

– Myles has learned how to screech like a little baby eagle.  He also has a very fuzzy tuft of hair on top.  He especially resembles a baby bird when fresh from the tub.  His favorite place (besides being held) is on the floor beside you, whatever you are doing, or where he has a good view of Eli playing.  He hates to be left alone.  Consequently, we move him from room to room and cuddle him quite often.

– Elias is quite the little man these days.  He has learned the true meaning of the words, “I’m sorry”, and will make up reasons to say it.  He won’t be satisfied until you grant him forgiveness.  He also likes, “Thank you.”  We’re confident he’s on his way to becoming quite socially adept.  A highlight of the week was at story time at the library when the librarian sang “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”.  Eli jumped up in front of all the little people and ran to the librarian and said, “My grammy sings that song!” 

– Paul has been hard at work looking at house plans (in case our house deal falls through).  He is also immersed in a Sunday School class he has been teaching at church.  He loves teaching and will talk for hours about it.

– Annie is sick this weekend.  Teachers are really only allowed to get sick on the weekends.  I’m not really that sick, just sick enough to stay in my pajamas all day.  At school, we are in the midst of  Thanksgiving feast preparations, which is always tons of fun.  Our school puts on a huge feast, complete with 3 Turkeys and guests from the community.  The students make desserts and peel potatoes all week. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving…

Keeping up with the Robinsons…


It has been raining here for the past three days!  Rain is not uncommon here in the pacific northwest, but this much rain is crazy.  I do love the sound of the rain beating on the roof.

Myles ate his first rice cereal this week and LOVED it.  I took a video and as I watched it again I could hear myself saying, “He’s eating it, oh my gosh, he’s EATING it.”  My experience with Eli was much different.  I could have nicknamed him “One Who Spits Everthing Out Of Mouth”.  Eli went straight from breastmilk to finger food, so this stage of actually eating pureed foods is all new to me.  I am so excited!

Paul started teaching a new Sunday School class at church.  I am so happy that he is doing this, but it is making Sundays a bit more stressful for me.  I think I will have to plan crock pot meals from now on.  It’s going to take a little more planning on my part in order to get out the door with two kids by myself.  The series is on Howard Hendricks “Living by the Book”.

I am looking forward to Veteran’s Day, a day off right in the middle of the week!  I have been promised a date on Tuesday night.   Also, we have started practicing for a really cute Christmas play at school, “Hannah and Gretel”. 

Until next week…

About as fashionista as I get…

I got new boots this week!  Paul is not a fan of the “boots with a dress or skirt” look.  I love it!  What do you think?  Should I keep the boots and only wear them with jeans, or go with my true desires and show them off with dressses and skirts?  Usually Paul comes around to my way of thinking sooner or later.  You have to remember that he wears the same black fleece almost every day, so creativity regarding clothes is just not on his radar.

Keeping up with the Robinsons…


As I type this, Myles is intently talking at his hands with a  furrowed brow.  He is preaching them an important message which only he and them understand. 

Elias went to school with me on Friday for the first time ever.  He did great.  It was Halloween Party all day.  He now thinks that he is in “first-garten”.  He was a little pirate and I was a big pirate.  We are going to trick or treat grammy and pop pop today.

Paul and Annie made an offer on a house a few weeks ago and are anxiously awaiting approval from the seller’s bank (long story).  We should have an answer by this week and we are on pins and needles.  We’ve already been on a date to Home Depot to look at paint chips.  I promise there will be pics if the deal goes through.  Pray that our use of this house will be for God’s glory. 

Protected: Myles’ 4 month pics…

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Rated “R” for recipes!


I am an admitted recipe junkie.  So much of good cooking depends on having the right recipe, ingredients and PASSION.  I decided to post some of my favorites.  Usually I will check a recipe book out from the library before I actually buy it just to make sure it is really worth owning.  I highly reccommend this.  Otherwise, you will have a bunch of bad recipe books in your cabinet.  You will become depressed that they don’t work for you and you won’t cook from them.  I am just going to post a few of my ALL TIME FAVORITES.  Some of the books you see in the picture above are used for only a few recipes.  That doesn’t mean I won’t cook more out of them in the future.

#1  The Best Recipe by the editors of Cooks Illustrated Magazine.

Oh, man.  There are so few things I have made from here that I haven’t liked that they aren’t even worth mentioning.  Every recipe includes a detailed description of numerous tests done to achieve the perfect recipe.  The book is thick and covers just about anything you want to make.  For me, it is the go to book if I don’t want to mess around.  Great results!

#2 Simply in Season

If you eat from you garden or wish you ate more from you garden or just wish you ate more healthy this is a great book.  My all time favorite recipe from here is the Sweet Potato Quesadillas.  Yummy!  Just a forewarning – these ARE healthy recipes.  My husband is of the opinion that a dessert should tast like a DESSERT, and that any dessert that contains wheat flour is only a wolf in sheeps clothing.  He does really enjoy everything else in this book (besides the desserts), and he loves his fruits and vegis.  This is not a vegitarian cookbook, though there are any vegitarian and low-meat recipes in it.


#3 Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day

This book has revolutionized home bread baking for me.  The idea in a nutshell that you mix up a very wet dough and refrigerate it.  Then, when you want bread you get it out, let it rest, and bake it at a high temperature on a baking stone.  There are endless possibilities, including my favorites – pizza and pita bread.  

#4 Sunset Magazine

I have gotten so many great recipes from here.  The great thing is that you don’t have to be a subscriber to enjoy.  The have a website.  Here are some of my favs.

Raspberry Lemon Pudding Cakes

Cilantro Chicken

Buckwheat Belgian Waffles

Happy Cooking!!!

Keeping up with the Robinson’s…


Another week flew by at the Robinson house.  Myles had his 4 month appointment this week and is as healthy as can be.  He is 18 pounds 10 ounces.  That’s huge… 

Eli has been practicing his trick or treats – so be ready, we may stop by your house!!!  He will be the little pirate boy, in case you were wondering.  I do not spend money on Halloween costumes and this really came together from things we already had and things we borrowed from others.  Myles will be either an elephant or a pumpkin.

Paul and I attended The World Seen put on by our alma mater, MU on Saturday.  It was great and reminded me of college days…