so long, farewell, goodnight…

This post should have appeared a long, long time ago.  It’s been ages since I’ve been able to do justice to my blog.  Instead, I’ve held out hope that one day I’d have the passion for it that I once had.  It’s not happening folks.  I say farewell to my blog and hello to other pursuits.   Here are my three reasons.

1.  It’s no longer unique.  It’s all been done folks.  Everyone has a blog.  When I started back in 2004 I had to explain to people, “you know, it stands for web log.” 

2.  What I really want to write about is my authentic thoughts.  Yet, I need to keep those writings private at this time.  Being a teacher in a small town means that you need a little more reservation.  I could dazzle you with all my inner workings, but then everyone would know “all my business”.  This is probably my most important and “real” reason.  A blog without a healthy dose of realness is just a skeleton, which is what my blog has been lately.

3.  I’ve been forced to prioritize.  Having children means you need to pair your personal life down to the most basic and important.  Date nights with Paul, personal Bible study, chats on the phone with close friends – these all rank higher than blogging.

3 responses to “so long, farewell, goodnight…

  1. I understand your reasons. Hope this means there will be more time for REAL visits. I hope we can see you soon.

  2. Totally understand! But know you will be missed by those of us who don’t get to see you in person on an every day basis, but still enjoyed being part of your life in this small way. But having two young kiddos myself, I do understand the lack of time!! So, adieu. It’s been fun.

  3. Ladies – we still have facebook and I am an avid reader of both of your blogs. I’ll have to be better about leaving comments for YOU so that you will know I’ve been stopping by!

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